SPACE Canada welcomes your donation in support of its mandate to promote the international dialogue on space-based solar power through education, research and commercialization.
Space Canada Mission Statement |
SPACE Canada is dedicated to promoting, supporting and encouraging international dialogue on space-based solar power through research, education and commercialization.
We will accomplish our mission by serving as a facilitator, enabling individuals, organizations and governments to engage in a dialogue that will transform our world view from one of isolated energy solutions to a comprehensive global system.
to learn more about the International Space Solar Power Student Competition |
We are pleased to make public several presentations that were given at the recent International Symposium on Solar Energy from Space, held September 8-10, 2009 at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, Canada.
View Presentations |
The 2024 International Space Solar Power Student Competition
*** The deadline for abstract submission of 2024 project team proposals is April 26, 2024 ***
The 2024 International Space Solar Power Student Competition is a global, undergraduate and graduate level annual event presented by SPACE Canada, in partnership with the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Power Committee, Commission III of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), the National Space Society (NSS) International Space Development Conference (ISDC) SSP Track, and the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), is in its eighth year.
The competition will encompass multiple disciplines related to Space Solar Power technologies, including but not limited to:
Acceptable disciplines/fields for research projects include:
- architecture level system design activities, cost-benefit studies, environmental footprint studies, etc.;
- end-to-end energy concepts & technology (including wireless power transmission (WPT), solar power generation and distribution, etc.);
- structural systems, in-orbit assembly, controls and dynamics technology, and modeling of these considerations;
- flight and/or space transportation technology and engineering for the SPS (including Earth-to-orbit or in-space transportation and/or propulsion);
- ground systems and integration
In addition, acceptable cross-cutting topics of general interest include:
- the potential value of SPS in reaching goals to mitigate climate change issues; and,
- near-term demonstration of relevant SPS concepts and technology;
- mid-term demonstrations of relevant SPS concepts and technology (for example in low Earth orbit);
- space resources utilization for SPS;
- space policy, legal and regulatory considerations across all of the above (including international cooperation, spectrum management, space debris, etc.); and,
- financing concepts for SPS systems and development.
Abstracts can be submitted through the registration button below.
This year of this new competition will be staged this year in three rounds:
- Step 1: Initial proposals and selection of project teams to participate initially in the competition.
- Step 2: Presentations of initial project results by the chosen semi-finalists. For those able to travel, semi-finalists projects shall be presented in person at the International NSS Space Development Conference (ISDC), to be held this year during May 23-26, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. For those unable to travel due to restrictions, online presentation options will be arranged, for example using zoom.
- Step 3: Presentations of the finalists’ project results will be at the 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2024) Space Power Symposium – this year to be held in October 14-18, 2024 in Milan, Italy – followed by selection of a winner for the year for the Mark Hopkins Award. Again, it is expected that for those able to travel, finalist projects will be presented in person at the IAC 2024;
The following additional details are also announced:
- Up to six teams will be considered for selection as semi-finalists (Step 2 above) following which the Judges will select the finalists in this year’s competition.
- Support for travel to the ISDC in Los Angeles, California, USA will be provided for semi-finalist teams totaling up to USD $1,500 per team in expense reimbursement, with the actual amount to be determined based on the location at which the student team is based.
- Support for travel to the IAC 2024 will be provided for the finalist teams totaling up to $3,000 per team in expense reimbursement, with the actual amount to be determined based on the location at which the student team is based.
- For teams that are unable to attend events above due to travel restrictions, cash prizes will be awarded; these cash prizes will not exceed 50% of the travel support amount per team as shown above. Specific amounts will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
- IAC 2024 submitted papers and presentation slide decks from all teams will be posted on the SPACE Canada website to become part of the literature of space solar power for the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of the public.
If you would like to receive more information about the updated 2024 SSP student competition, please contact us at: .
If you have any question about the acceptability of your prospective topics, feel free to contact us at:
For full details and rules guiding the Competition, see the 2024 announcement.
The deadline for abstract submission of 2024 project team proposals is April 26, 2024.
Please confirm that you wish to participate under the terms of the competition for 2024.

Wireless Power Transmission Demonstration ProjectOne of the exciting sessions conducted at the International Symposium on Solar Energy from Space involved a demonstration of wireless power transmission. This demonstration utilized state-of-the-art solid state amplifiers in a retro-directive phased array system that beamed power with high efficiency across the Great Hall at the Ontario Science Centre. Learn More > |
Play the video to the right to learn about space-based solar energy.
SPACE Canada wishes to thank Kris Holland of Mafic Studios for his permission to use his beautiful images of solar power satellites in “From the Sun to the Earth”. We thank Kris for his generosity. |