A broad range of rates are available, depending on the hotel class and location. Typical rates range from CAD100 to CAD250 for hotels of 4-star rating and above. All hotel rates are quoted in Canadian Dollar and are subject to change.

The preferred hotel accommodation which is the Westin Prince Hotel is within 10-minute drive to the Ontario Science Centre:

Use the zoom-in-zoom-out (+) / (-) feature of the interactive map below:
From North
Take the 404 South (Don Valley Parkway/DVP) to York Mills Road West. Pass Don Mills Road and the hotel will be on your right.

From West
Take 401 East to Leslie Street. Go south on Leslie Street to York Mills Road and turn left. The hotel is located on the left, just over the bridge.

From Lester B. Pearson International Airport
Take 401 East to Leslie Street. Go south on Leslie Street to York Mills Road and turn left. The hotel is located on the left, just over the bridge.

From South
Take the Queen Elizabeth Way to Don Valley Parkway North, then exit on York Mills Road West. Pass Don Mills Road and the hotel will be on your right.

Symposium Home

View Program Schedule
Day 1 - September 8
Day 2 - September 9
Day 3 - September 10

Symposium Registration Options and Fees

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Hotel reservation is available now
(see Book Online link below).

If you are not ready to commit but wish to be kept informed, Sign up to Receive Symposium Updates

Symposium Info
September 8-10, 2009
Ontario Science Centre
Toronto, Canada
View Venue Details

Symposium Leaders
Master of Ceremonies: Bob McDonald

Co-Chairs, IAA Study:
John Mankins & Nobu Kaya

The list of speakers for the symposium is being finalized.

The preferred hotel, Westin Prince is within
10-minute drive to the Ontario Science Centre.
More details here.

Book Online

Visitor Information
Learn about Toronto Restaurants and Attractions.

Symposium Sponsors

Space Canada gratefully
acknowledges the support of
these progressive organizations:
London Hydro
London Hydro