Sponsored by SPACE Canada & the International Academy of Astronautics

International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
Commission III (Space Systems and Technology) / Study Group 3.11
International Assessment of Solar Energy From Space

SEPTEMBER 9-10, 2009

8:00 AM Workshop Opening – Plenary Session 1
This session will provide an overview of the workshop, including its objectives, agenda, and logistics. The session will also present recent international SSP study results. The session will present the SSP scenarios being used to organize the IAA study, and will conclude with a charge to workshop participants for Day 1.
9:30 AM BREAK (Coffee & Snacks)
10:30 AM SPS Systems Architectures – Plenary Session 2
This session will involve discussions of various Solar Power Satellite concepts (past and present) – with the focus on the overall architecture for the approach. The session discussions will include identifying overall characteristics of various systems concepts and/or architectures when viewed in the context of the several SPS scenarios around which the IAA study has been organized.

CO-CHAIRS: R. Dickinson / R. Wegeng
Several Catalytic Presentations will be made, plus some preliminary discussion of architecture level issues.
12:00 PM LUNCH
1:00 PM SPS Major Systems / Technology Challenges
Plenary Session 3

This session will involve discussions of various specific systems elements and infrastructure challenges for Solar Power Satellite concepts (past and present) – with the focus on the details of each area. The session discussions will include identifying strengths, weaknesses, technology requirements, and technology readiness levels for each of the architectures / concepts when viewed in the context of the several SPS scenarios around which the IAA study has been organized.

CO-CHAIRS: R. Dickinson / R. Wegeng
Several Catalytic Presentations will be made, plus some preliminary discussion of architecture level issues.
3:00 PM BREAK (Drinks & Snacks)
  SPS Systems & Technologies Breakout Sessions – Series A
This series of Sessions will involve discussions of key systems and technologies that are necessary to support the future deployment and operation of Solar Power Satellite concepts. The session discussions will include identifying strengths and weakness, technology requirement and readiness for each of the supporting systems areas when viewed in the setting of the several SSP scenarios being used to organize the IAA study.
  Breakout Session A.1: Wireless Power Transmission
This Session will address SPS technology challenges and opportunities in the functional area of Wireless Power Transmission, including both RF (i.e., microwave) power transmission and laser power transmission; the scope of discussion will comprise both key figures of merit for this functional area as well as a discussion of the readiness and risks associated with various specific technology options.

CO-CHAIRS: N. Kaya / J. McSpadden
Selected Catalytic Presentations will be made, plus discussion of relevant systems/technology level issues.
  Breakout Session A.2: Solar Power Generation & Platform Systems
This Session will address SPS technology challenges and opportunities in the functional area of Solar Power Generation and related Power Management and Distribution (PMAD), including conventional solar arrays, concentrator solar power generation, thin-film power generation, and solar dynamic power generation. The Session will also address SPS Platform Technologies and Thermal Management. The scope of discussion will comprise both key figures of merit for this functional area as well as a discussion of the readiness and risks associated with various specific technology options.

CHAIR: H. Brandhorst
Selected Catalytic Presentations will be made, plus discussion of relevant systems/technology level issues.
  Breakout Session A.3: In-Space Resources & Manufacturing
This Session will address SPS Supporting Systems concepts in the topic area of In-Space Resources and Manufacturing, including both lunar resources and asteroid materials, as well as in-space materials processing and systems component fabrication; the scope of discussion will comprise both figures of merit for this type of SPS supporting systems as well as identification of key technologies.

CO-CHAIRS: R. Wegeng / A. Ignatiev
Selected Catalytic Presentations will be made, plus discussion of relevant systems/technology level issues.
  Breakout Session A.4: SPS Market, SPS Ground Energy Systems and Economics
This Session will comprise discussions of the prospective markets for solar energy from space. The Session will also examine the potential economics of SPS in the context of alternative “green energy” solutions – particularly comparison of ground and space solar power. The Session will also examine potential non-SPS applications of space solar power technologies and systems.

CO-CHAIRS: A.C. Charania / P. Eckert
Selected Catalytic Presentations will be made, plus discussion of relevant systems/technology level issues.
5:30 PM END OF DAY 1

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Symposium Info
September 8-10, 2009
Ontario Science Centre
Toronto, Canada
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Symposium Leaders
Master of Ceremonies: Bob McDonald

Co-Chairs, IAA Study:
John Mankins & Nobu Kaya

The list of speakers for the symposium is being finalized.

The preferred hotel, Westin Prince is within
10-minute drive to the Ontario Science Centre.
More details here.

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Symposium Sponsors

Space Canada gratefully
acknowledges the support of
these progressive organizations:
Space Power Association (SPA)
Space Power Association (SPA)