Biography - John Siebert

John SiebertJohn Siebert

Executive Director
Project Ploughshares

John Siebert has been the Executive Director of Project Ploughshares since 2005. Project Ploughshares, founded in 1976, is located in Waterloo, Ontario. Its work includes research and policy development on nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, outer space security, the control and reduction of conventional weapons, and critical evaluation of Canada’s foreign and defense policy from a human security framework. Prior to joining Project Ploughshares, John worked for several NGOs on public policy issues. From 1982- 1986 he was a Foreign Service Officer with the Department of External Affairs and International Trade, which included a posting to Canada’s Embassy in Washington, DC. Since 2004 Project Ploughshares has acted as the managing partner for the international research consortium that produces the annual Space Security Index (spacesecurity. org). The goal of the SSI is to improve transparency with respect to space activities and provide a common, comprehensive knowledge base to support the development of national and international policies that contribute to space security, defined as “the secure and sustainable access to, and use of, space and freedom from spacebased threats.

Symposium Panelists & Presentations
Quirks & Quarks Interviews

Quirks & Quarks

Listen to CBC Radio’s “Quirks and Quarks“ interviews from the SPACE Canada Symposium

Symposium Sponsors

Space Canada gratefully
acknowledges the support of
these progressive organizations:
Spriet Associates
Spriet Associates

Symposium Speakers

George Dietrich, President, SPACE Canada
John Mankins, CO-Chair, IAA Study Group
Nobuyuki Kaya, CO-Chair, IAA Study Group

International Policy Forum
Bob McDonald, Master of Ceremonies
Hon. John Milloy,
Marc Garneau

Dan Fortin, Key Note Speaker

PANEL: Space-Based Solutions to Earth-Bound Problems
Richard Peltier
Bryan Erb
Wael Almazeedi

PANEL: From Space Research to Commercialization
Ted Hewitt
Kieran Carroll
Robert Zee

PRESENTATION: Entrepreneurs in Space
Bob Richards

PANEL: Space Policy
John Siebert
Ram Jakhu

MEDIA PANEL: Political Will and
Public Perception

Peter Calamai
Stephen Strauss
Iain Carson
Alanna Mitchell