Biography - Peter Calamai
Peter Calamai
After 15 years as a
staff science reporter
for Canadian daily
newspapers Peter
Calamai now freelances
science articles to
magazines and newspapers at
home and abroad. A contributing
editor of Australia’s Cosmos
magazine, Calamai is a member
of the steering committee of
the Science Media Centre of
Canada. A founding member of
the Canadian Science Writers’
Association, he is also a three
time winner of Canada’s highest
journalistic honour, the National
Newspaper Award, and an
adjunct research professor in
the School of Journalism and
Communication at Carleton
University in Ottawa. Calamai
graduated with a B.Sc. in Physics
from McMaster University in 1965
and worked as a correspondent
and editor with the Southam
company for 30 years, with
postings to Ottawa, London (U.K.),
Nairobi and Washington. His
quasi-scientific pursuits include
conchology with specialization in
the cowry (Cyprae), ornithology,
astronomy and the genetic
engineering of tomatoes. |